Anger is getting in the way of your relationships

You are worried you are going to lose it at the wrong time.

You are afraid you will hurt someone else: emotionally or physically. You are worried you will have an altercation and get arrested. Important people in your life don't want to be around you anymore. You feel alone and without practical help.

We provide two options for clients wanting anger management support: (1) a 10-session Anger Management course or (2) Ongoing individual sessions as needed. The course offers you an easy-to-read guide that you can keep with you. It provides immediate tools for getting your behaviours under control. We work on this book in conjunction with regular therapy—which helps you understand the root cause of your anger and receive healing there.

As a result, your worry about your anger will be significantly diminished. You will be less angry, and you will know what to do about it when you are. You will have the resources you need to sustain healthy relationships because the people around you trust that you are not as reactionary as you used to be. You will understand why you get angry and address it in a goal-oriented, productive way.

Book a Consult With Rebecca to Learn More

Jennica Campbell RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor
  • She/Her/Hers

Sara Burgess RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

Stephanie Laporte RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

Carrie Urdiga

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC)

Grace Deby RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC)

Amy Anzinger RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor
  • She/Her/Hers

Ms. Judy Lancaster RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor
  • She/Her/Hers

Maggy Boucher RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC)

Marion Baker MTC

  • Master Therapeutic Counsellor (MTC)

Rebecca Helps RTC

  • Master Therapeutic Counsellor (MTC)

Amanda Moule RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC)
  • She/Her/Hers

Meet Our Anger Management Counsellors

Our team of experienced counsellors specializes in helping individuals manage and overcome anger. Each counsellor brings a unique approach and expertise to guide you through understanding and addressing the root causes of anger. Click on a counsellor's name to learn more about their approach and how they can support you on your journey to healthier emotional expression.

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