Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a structured approach to couples therapy, rooted in Attachment Theory.

It is designed to help couples transform their relationships by addressing emotional distress and fostering a deeper connection. EFT is organized into three key stages, each with specific steps that guide couples through the therapeutic process toward lasting relational satisfaction.

Stage 1: De-escalation of Negative Cycles

The first stage of EFT focuses on identifying and de-escalating the negative interaction patterns that contribute to relationship distress.

Identifying and Understanding Negative Interaction Patterns
In this initial step, the therapist works with the couple to uncover the destructive cycles of interaction that keep them stuck in conflict and emotional distance. By mapping out these patterns, couples gain insight into how their actions and reactions perpetuate distress. This newfound awareness is crucial for breaking free from automatic, unproductive behaviours that undermine the relationship.

Reducing Conflict and Emotional Reactivity
Once the negative cycles are identified, the therapist helps the couple reduce conflict and lower emotional reactivity. This involves increasing partners' awareness of their triggers and the underlying emotions driving their responses. Techniques such as reflective listening and validation are employed to create a safer emotional environment. This allows partners to feel heard and understood, reducing the likelihood of immediate escalation into conflict.

Stage 2: Shaping New Cycles of Responsiveness

The second stage of EFT is dedicated to creating new, positive interaction patterns that enhance emotional engagement and responsiveness between partners.

Enhancing Emotional Engagement and Responsiveness
During this stage, the therapist guides the couple in exploring their deeper emotional needs and fears, which often remain hidden beneath surface-level interactions. By fostering open and vulnerable communication, partners learn to express their attachment needs and respond to each other with empathy and understanding. This deeper emotional engagement is key to building trust and closeness in the relationship.

Building New, Positive Interaction Patterns
As emotional engagement increases, the couple begins to develop new, positive cycles of interaction. These patterns are characterized by responsiveness, accessibility, and emotional support. Partners practice turning towards each other in moments of need, offering comfort and reassurance rather than retreating into negative cycles. The therapist plays a crucial role in facilitating and reinforcing these positive interactions during sessions, helping them become ingrained in the relationship.

Stage 3: Consolidation and Integration

The final stage of EFT aims to consolidate the therapeutic gains made in the previous stages and integrate these new relational patterns into the couple’s everyday life.

Strengthening New Relational Patterns
In this stage, the therapist assists the couple in solidifying the positive changes they have achieved. This involves reinforcing the new, healthy ways of interacting, ensuring that these patterns become more stable and habitual. The couple continues to practice and refine their skills in emotional engagement and responsiveness, building a stronger and more secure bond.

Consolidating Therapeutic Gains and Planning for the Future
The last step of the EFT process focuses on consolidating the therapeutic progress and planning for the future. The therapist works with the couple to develop strategies for maintaining their gains and preventing relapse into old patterns. This may include discussing potential challenges, setting goals for ongoing growth, and creating a plan for continued practice of the skills learned in therapy. The couple is encouraged to celebrate their progress and remain committed to nurturing their relationship moving forward.


Emotionally Focused Therapy provides a clear, structured pathway for couples to transform their relationships.

Through the three stages of de-escalating negative cycles, shaping new, positive interactions, and consolidating these gains, couples can achieve lasting emotional connection and relational satisfaction. Whether you are experiencing distress in your relationship or seeking to deepen your connection, EFT offers a powerful and evidence-based approach to help you achieve your goals.