This informative webinar, titled "Advances in ADHD: Nature, Diagnosis, and Management" and led by Dr. Russell Barkley, delves into the complexities of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Highlighting its nature as a self-regulatory and executive function disorder, Dr. Barkley sheds light on the high rate of comorbid conditions associated with ADHD, such as autism and anxiety, and discusses the nuanced presentations of ADHD, including changes in DSM-5 criteria.

Focusing on treatment, the webinar underscores the effectiveness of medications, particularly stimulants, while advocating for a holistic approach combining medication, behavioural interventions, and accommodations. It emphasizes the critical role of psychoeducation in treatment and acknowledges the limitations of certain interventions. Additionally, the session explores emerging treatments, including mindfulness and genetics-based approaches, and addresses ineffective methods like dietary changes and neurofeedback.

The comprehensive overview this webinar offers is a blend of current understanding and innovative strategies for managing ADHD, providing valuable insights for both professionals and individuals affected by the disorder.

Webinar Notes

Part 1: Understanding ADHD

  • Nature of ADHD: Characterized as a disorder of self-regulation and executive function, involving attention, impulse control, emotional regulation, and more.
  • Comorbidity: High prevalence of coexisting disorders such as autism, anxiety, depression, and ODD.
  • Presentations of ADHD: Three types - inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, and combined; these can change over time.
  • Diagnostic Criteria: DSM-5 changes, including symptom clarifications for teens/adults, raised onset age, and corroboration requirement.

Part 2: Treatment Approaches and Challenges

  • Medication Efficacy: High effectiveness of stimulants and other medications in managing ADHD.
  • Treatment Strategy: Combination of medication, behavioural interventions, and accommodations, similar to diabetes management.
  • Behavioural Interventions: Limitations noted, particularly reduced effectiveness in adolescents.
  • Emerging Treatments: Exploring mindfulness practices and genetics-driven medication developments.

Part 3: Supportive Strategies and Limitations of Interventions

  • Psychoeducation Importance: Crucial role in treatment for understanding and managing ADHD.
  • Role of Exercise and Sleep: Significant benefits in ADHD management.
  • Ineffective Interventions: Lack of evidence supporting interventions like sensory integration, neurofeedback, and dietary changes.
  • Comprehensive Care: Need for a holistic approach including medication, therapy, educational support, and family involvement.