
Stephanie Laporte RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

Ms. Judy Lancaster RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor
  • She/Her/Hers

Rebecca Helps RTC

  • Master Therapeutic Counsellor (MTC)

Amanda Moule RTC

  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC)
  • She/Her/Hers

Exploring Sexuality

Counselling for Intimacy and Desire

Sexuality is a rich, multidimensional experience encompassing intimacy, desire, and physical drive. For some, it may even involve a spiritual connection with another person. Sexual orientation, which lies on a spectrum, defines who you are attracted to—whether it’s all genders (pansexual), one gender, or no gender (asexual). When embraced healthily, sexuality can make you feel revitalized, energized, and deeply engaged. However, struggles with sexuality can lead to frustration, disappointment, and confusion.

Specialized Counselling for Sexuality and Intimacy

Our experienced counsellors specialize in helping individuals navigate concerns related to sexuality and intimacy. With deep understanding and compassion, we offer counselling designed to provide support, connection, and practical tools to enhance your relationships. Whether you are exploring your sexuality or addressing specific concerns, our counsellors are here to guide you in a non-judgmental, supportive environment that takes the taboo out of sex.

Creating a Sex-Positive Mindset

Many of us were not raised in sex-positive environments, leaving us to grapple with societal expectations about what sex should or shouldn’t be. These external pressures can create feelings of inadequacy or brokenness when we don’t measure up. Our counselling sessions offer a safe space to explore and embrace your sexuality with an open and positive mindset. We help you challenge these limiting beliefs and develop a healthier, more fulfilling relationship with your sexuality.

Connect with Support Today

Explore the profiles of our counsellors on the left to learn more about how they can support your journey toward a positive and empowered experience of sexuality. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of intimacy and desire, providing the connection and guidance you need to thrive.

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