Key Topics

This webinar by Dr. Blake focused on adult ADHD, emphasizing the importance of managing executive functions.

Executive functions are key cognitive processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. They are crucial for decision-making, behaviour regulation, and problem-solving. The main topics included the definition and theories of executive function, its developmental aspects, brain areas involved, and assessment tools. The webinar also explored interventions and strategies to enhance executive function in adults with ADHD, highlighting their pivotal role in effective ADHD management.

Introduction to ADHD and Executive Function:

Explains the relationship between ADHD and executive function, defining what executive functions are and their significance in daily life.

ADHD and executive function are closely related, as ADHD often involves difficulties in executive functions. These functions include skills like planning, organization, impulse control, and maintaining attention, which are essential for managing daily tasks and long-term goals. Individuals with ADHD may struggle with these aspects, impacting their ability to function effectively in various areas of life. This relationship underscores the importance of targeting executive function in ADHD management strategies.

Theories and Models of Executive Function:

Discusses various theories and models to understand executive function, providing a deeper insight into its complexities.

Baddeley’s Executive Function Theory: Focuses on working memory as a system providing temporary storage and manipulation of information for complex tasks. It includes a central executive system and two 'slave' systems: the phonological loop and the visual-spatial sketchpad.

Barkley’s Theory of Executive Function: Proposes a hierarchical model of executive capacities, including spatial, temporal, motivational, emotional, informational, and inhibitory aspects. It emphasizes the role of executive function in behaviour regulation and goal-oriented actions.

Brain Areas and Developmental Aspects:

Covers the brain regions involved in executive functioning and how these functions develop over different life stages, including adolescence and adulthood.

The prefrontal cortex, which plays a major role in decision-making, impulse control, and behavioural regulation, and the basal ganglia, are linked to routine behaviours and habit formation.

Executive functions develop and mature over time. During adolescence, there is significant growth in these areas, enhancing cognitive control and decision-making skills. In adulthood, these functions are generally well-established but can be impacted by various factors, including stress and aging.

Assessment of Executive Function:

Reviews various tools and methods used for assessing executive function, particularly in the context of ADHD.

The primary tools and methods for assessing executive function in the context of ADHD include neuropsychological tests like the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, which evaluates problem-solving and flexibility; the Stroop Test, assessing attention and task-switching; and behavioural checklists like the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). These tools help in identifying specific areas of executive function that are affected in individuals with ADHD.

Negative Influences on Executive Function:

Identifies factors that can adversely affect executive function, with a focus on how they relate to ADHD.

Chronic stress, poor sleep quality, unhealthy diet, and lack of physical activity are the primary factors that can exacerbate ADHD symptoms by impairing cognitive processes like attention, memory, and problem-solving. Additionally, comorbid mental health issues like depression or anxiety can further challenge executive functioning in individuals with ADHD.

Interventions and Strategies:

Presents various strategies and interventions aimed at improving executive function in adults with ADHD, emphasizing practical approaches for better management.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Helps in developing coping strategies and changing negative thought patterns.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Aid in reducing stress and improving concentration.

Time Management Tools: Use of planners and apps to organize tasks and manage time effectively.

Physical Exercise: Regular exercise can enhance cognitive function and reduce ADHD symptoms.

Healthy Diet and Sleep Habits: Proper nutrition and adequate sleep are crucial for optimal brain function.

Medication: In some cases, medication can be beneficial alongside behavioural strategies.*

*Note: Some experts will recommend medication as the primary and most effective treatment. Other experts do not. It is important to discuss medication with your physician to see if it is right for you and your unique presentation of ADHD. There is no one-size-fits-all all solution. 

Blogs and Handouts

Related to the webinar by Dr. Blake on Targeting Executive Skills to Manage ADHD in Adults